What if your 3 biggest mental barriers were removed? your team performed at its best when needed? your employees were inspired to grow and change?
Truly transformational experience. I was able to grow beyond my limits with FREE THE LIMBIC.
Dr. Christopher McLachlan
Company Builder, EnBW Energie Baden-Würtemberg
One of the best team coaches I worked with. I value his profound preparation and excellent execution.
Herbert Forker
Chairman Supervisory board, former CEO, Siegwerk Group Holding AG & Co. KG
Our leaders tell me: Dragan is inspiring and mind-changing.
Beatrix Meibeck
Head of HR Development, ARZHaan AG

Dragan Milicevic

  • International Executive & Team Coach, Self-Development Expert, former competitive Athlete
  • 20+ years international experience in leadership development, team development, and personal growth
  • Pioneer in employing FREE THE LIMBIC®
  • Head Trainer & Coach McKinsey & Company, managerial roles at Bertelsmann AG, Beiersdorf AG
  • Licensed psychotherapist
Training Participants
Team Buildings