Get to know me

About Me

I am simply fascinated by the brain. I am fascinated by its capabilities. I am fascinated what a change of mindset can do. How it can influence our performance and our success. Even our happiness and quality of life.

As a former competitive athlete who started playing tennis at the age of 4, I learned early on about the importance of our mindset in achieving our goals. And I had to learn the hard way. The pressure on me to perform was immense. The result: Burn out at the age of just 16. Back then, burn-out was seldom diagnosed. And there was no real treatment . So, there I was at a very young age, struggling with a serious mental condition.

I was lucky. I was able to overcome it and move on, playing college athletics in the USA while pursuing my studies in communications, psychology, and human resources management at Northeastern University (Boston) and later at the London School of Economics (London).

Ever since then I have been fascinated by performance improvement, motivation, and team performance. Then, in 2002, I had the fortune to meet Thomas Weil and his wife Martina Erfurt-Weil, brilliant executive coaches and therapists. They had developed a ground-breaking coaching method: Free the Limbic®. This remarkable technique makes it possible to overcome a lifetime of mental and emotional barriers enabling transformational change. What’s more – within a very short time.

This background has influenced strongly what I do today – helping top executives and their teams to unlock their brains for success. In my work I apply the latest developments in neuroscience and positive psychology. I draw from my experience as a competitive athlete and from various managerial roles. In addition, my professional experience is based on my work as Head Trainer & Coach for McKinsey & Company. In this role, I trained and coached world-class consultants and helped project teams working under extreme conditions to perform at their best. Before joining McKinsey & Company, I worked in learning & development for major international corporations such as Bertelsmann AG and Beiersdorf AG. And last but not least, I gained valuable insights from my time as a competitive athlete.

I am a qualified executive coach and licensed psychotherapist. My company – Exceptional Performance – has offices in Madrid, Dusseldorf, and Munich. I live in Madrid and on a Greek Island – both home to me. And I work in Europe, USA, Asia, and the Middle East in English and German.

This is my story – what’s yours? And how can I help you?

Clients who benefited from my services

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